As a result the accounts produced will tend to reflect a fairly accurate view of the profitability of the business.Linear, scientific perspective allows for a fairly accurate mental reconstruction of the distances separating objects.One must have a fairly accurate idea of the patient's weight.Nor are they fully explained - although less efficient digestion in general is probably a reasonably accurate explanation.In the private sector, decision making can be guided and implemented by considerations that are subject to reasonably accurate escalation.The several criticisms of the market economy are reasonably accurate and certainly too serious to ignore.This helps stress the need to get the whole approach right if the landings are to be reasonably accurate.After a while it grew apparent that Tara's verdict on Guy was fairly accurate.Pinpointed in about 60 seconds, the locations were accurate within 15 yards.Temperature is accurate to 0.005° C with a range of -10☌ to +70☌.Combinations of such antibodies may offer a more accurate system for identification of tumour type.It was a devastatingly accurate shot by the Brazilian captain.More sophisticated equipment is needed to produce accurate results.The witness tried to give an accurate description of what she had seen.An accurate description of the problem is the first step in solving it.Greene gives a remarkably accurate description of life in Saigon in the early '50s.She was able to give the police an accurate description of her attacker.That's a fairly accurate assessment of the situation.Event information is accurate as of press time.Entries are detailed, accurate and solid, written in clear, nontechnical language for the general reader.
To be strictly accurate → para ser más preciso or exacto. Answer: Full scale accuracy of an instrument is represented with respect to the full scale variation of the instrument ( FS). It was his father or, to be accurate, his stepfather → era su padre o, para ser exacto, su padrastro The data for the metallic cartridges has been derived from our more comprehensive No.
Is that clock accurate? → ¿ tiene ese reloj la hora exacta?Īccurate spelling is important → escribir sin faltas es muy importante 3 / 18907/ACCURATE ARMS2003 Loading Manual (01-07-03 17:00:38) INTRODUCTION This booklet is an introductory guide to the use of our Accurate Smokeless Propellants, including the ScotTM series of shotshell propellants. Accurate ADJ → exacto → preciso → fiel, exacto → acertado → preciso → certero → de gran precisión → que no comete errores